Monday, November 19, 2007

new chucks

I've been designing a book for my Design class, its taken pretty much the whole semester, I'm waiting to get it back from the printers as we speak, its 100 full color pages and hard cover with a jacket sleeve. Its one of the first real books I'm getting professionally printed and I'm pretty excited to see it. Its called This I Believe and has stories from everyone in my design class, and its designed by me.
We had to design posters trying to sell our book. These are some of them, they will get printed at 4 feet by 3 feet and go throughout the school and library at my school, as well as the book getting displayed in the library.

This one V was the first one I designed, I decided to just go with it, because I dont actually think anyone is going to buy my book at the school, so I just figured I would write whatever I want and have fun with it.


Thomas said...

well damn, you put up a lot of new stuff. The book looks cool. I read through what you had up there. I like the colored texts how it makes important thoughts. let me know how much the book is. i went to lulu but the site is down.

kris johnsen said...

the book was like 37 bucks, counting shipping. its alot less if its not hard cover. there is 13 different stories in the book, everyone in the classes.