I'm working on a self portrait, something I havent really done since high school, this is just the first sketch, i'm going to trace it in illustrator and add color to it soon.
I've been always fascinated with pictures of the sky, these are some I've recently taken, I'm going to do a project with larger pictures of the sky when I get time, i want to somehow blend different pictures together and give it a darker feel, more on this to come soon hopefully.
This is a project for my Text in the Environment class, it was an installation in the school building. The idea was pretty open, mine was about finding a new canvas, "using different materials in art" other than canvases you find in a art store. The project turned out ok, i'm not to into it.
This is a little video I made in my graphic design class, its made all with images and are played at 12 shots per second, with a total of 120 images. It was made in Adobe after affects and photoshop, it was my first time using after affects or doing anything with video in this way so its very much a experiment, and i think i'll make some more videos like this. I'm pretty happy with it for never doing this before
For my graphic design class we had to design an album cover 12 inches by 12 inches, it went through various stages before ending on this, i also designed the record itself, I'm very pleased with how it came out. Its not based on an already existing album, it started out as a cover for the umbrellas music, but as I continued further I didnt feel that it needed a name on it of an already existing album.